Client: Heroes and Horses

Millions of dollars are spent each year to support foundations claiming to help our veterans who suffer from the effects of PTSD, yet every day 22 veterans take their own lives. Heroes and Horses set out to fix the way we approach PTSD treatment. Their three phase integration program requires veterans to learn survival skills, how to handle expedition-style horse pack trips, and use team work and perseverance to undergo life-changing journeys of self-discovery. All at no cost to the veteran.

— Micah Fink, Founder, Heroes & Horses

Heroes & Horses asked me to create promotional movie posters for their latest endeavor the "500 Miles" project. The film documents the journey of buying and breaking in 16 wild Bureau of Land Management (BLM) mustangs for a 500 mile pack trip. Why would H&H undertake such a project? The goal was to put these mustangs through a rigorous gentling process in order to integrate them into the existing H&H herd for use in the 2017 program. If you’re curious how the 500 Mile Journey turned out you'll have to watch the film here. Using their beautiful photography I applied our marketing message in a subtle way that lets the emotion of the photography shine through.


You Can’t Put a Price on Experience

24 veterans will be able to experience the Heroes and Horses program in 2019 thanks to the many generous donors at this year’s fundraiser. With a lot of effort from the H&H team and the generous hearts of the many donors attending the Gala, H&H was able to raise over $380,000 for veterans.


Taking a Big Idea and Making it Pocket Sized...

The unconventional layout of this brochure showcases the beautiful photography created for the organization while delivering the message behind the program in a clear and concise manner. This brochure is used as an awareness piece and a great conversation starter at events.

Know Your Audience, Know Your Donors

Heroes & Horses wanted to hear from their donors on how they could improve their donor support. You see, H&H relies heavily on it's donors to operate and in-turn veterans rely on H&H to help them create change. Together with H&H, I gathered the results of their donor survey, creating transparency and a great place to address any questions for their donors.