In one of those classic 90’s home videos, you can see my mother stop my sister and me mid-run in the kitchen and ask, “Who are you dressed as?”. My sister answers, “Well, I’m Mrs. Ross Perot!” (Ross Perot was an eccentric billionaire who ran for president in the 90s). When my mother turns to ask me the question, I chime in with, “Well, I’m Bossy!”. At three years old, I clearly didn’t understand the ask, but I did have a clear understanding of who I was and where I was heading.

These days I like to use my “bossiness” for good (not evil) account and project management. For over ten years, I have been helping clients facilitate their creative visions. Whether it be crafting a creative approach to reach their business goals or producing corporate events of all sizes, I have a passion for managing projects that engage stakeholders and deliver quality on time and on budget.

When I’m not reviewing timelines or “circling back” on a project, I enjoy the stereotypical mountain activities like hiking with my dog, fishing, and camping. Pre-covid times you could catch me trying my hand at improv just to continue testing the boundaries of my comfort zone.

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