The housing market in Montana has been consistently growing since 2010 and is especially competitive in Bozeman. It's my job to make sure that the Real Estate Lending team at Rocky Mountain Credit Union stands out among a saturated market. The challenge I ran into was the lack of awareness among existing and potential members that a credit union can also service regular loan programs like VA, RD, FHA, and conventional loans. We began by launching a comprehensive digital and print campaign to help with general awareness. Our goal was to target our audience with a more emotional campaign, targeting the feelings and experience of the home buying process versus just slapping a lender's headshot on an ad. After RMCU was integrated with Hubspot, our efforts to increase awareness for the Real Estate Lending department became easier and more measurable. In a typical month we would see an average of 22 new leads for our Real Estate Lending team. Thanks to a combination of organic, direct, and paid search we can funnel members in all 7 counties through a process that qualifies them as a Sales Lead before they reach the lending team. 

Make the Marketing About The Member, Not The Product...

The current creative for the Real Estate Lending department focuses on the challenges of home buying. This creative can be seen on in-branch materials, google display ads and other online placement, print ads, direct mail pieces, email drip campaigns and landing pages. 

Check out the Mortgage Program Landing Page here 


Updated informational packets for the Real Estate Lending department allow our lenders to provide potential members with helpful information.