Our mission was to elevate the university dining experience. The days of cafeteria food as bland as it’s decor were over. Student expectations had changed and Montana State University was set out to lead the pack in student dining experiences. Our three person team at Prime was brought in on day one to help with the full evolution of each of the serveries. As a team we worked with the MSU committee and team of architects at Mosaic Architecture to bring the Rendezvous Dining Hall brands to life.

Photo Courtesy of Mosaic Architecture

Photo Courtesy of Mosaic Architecture

As the brand design team our first step was extensive research of dining trends. This was not exclusive to university dining. We looked at everyday dining trends, design trends within hip and cutting-edge restaurants throughout the globe, as well as corporate office trends, environmental installations, and art installations. When it came to how the people interacted with eating and experience large service-oriented public spaces, we looked at it.

We developed a variety of naming options around the dining concepts and worked with the committee to select the final brands that would live within the dining hall. Months of development went into the signage and graphic concepts that would help carryout each brand’s personality and experience within the space. Our next task was sourcing, overseeing production, and completing installation of our designs on time and on budget.


The final product was a dining hall unique to MSU. Using various environmental graphics, signage elements and playing off of the beautiful design and finish materials, we successfully delivered eight different (etcetera logo not pictured) dining experiences for students and staff to enjoy. I encourage you to read some of the articles linked below and visit the project feature on Mosaic’s Website for more photos.

Rendezvous Dining Pavilion Won a Grand Prize
Rendezvous Dining Pavilion in the Bozeman Chronicle
Rendezvous Dining Pavilion- Education Snapshots

Photo Courtesy of Mosaic Architecture

Photo Courtesy of Mosaic Architecture

Photo Courtesy of Mosaic Architecture

Photo Courtesy of Mosaic Architecture
