Earth week Free Downloads


two of a kind - egret illustration

Florida offers plenty of inspiration right in my backyard. The Egret is a fascinating bird as it changes shape for fishing and flying. The front patch on their beaks brightens to a cerulean green for a natural #glowup to attract mates.


This typography piece is an ode to the first Earth Day that started April 22nd, 1970. Almost 20 Million people gathered nationwide to celebrate the first Earth Day. This gathering leads to legislation like the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. Now more than ever it’s important to take action to protect this legislation. Visit the World Wildlife Fund and NRDC to see how you can show your support for this legislation!

beneath the surface - alligator illustration

A good rule of thumb in Florida, if it’s a body of freshwater there is probably a gator or two living in it. Alligators will lay very still in the water, often times its hard to see them until they move in on their prey. I’ll keep my swimming to the oceans for now. Scary as they are, Alligators deserve our respect as they play an important role in our ecosystem by maintaining balanced animal populations and creating habitats for marine animals.


This “Bridle Path” Illustration was inspired by a special place I would go horseback riding with a friend. The trees had been cleared for a logging road long before and then later abandoned. Eventually, the forest took back the road and assembled in a fashion similar to the interior of a cathedral. This part of the trail was nicknamed the ‘Bridal Path’, but for this illustration, I wanted to include a little double meaning. Montana’s nature is about as close to a religious experience as I have been. I hope you enjoy this cathedral of trees as much as I do.

Forests are like the lungs of our planet helping to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide. One tree can produce almost 260lbs of oxygen a year. In addition, almost 70% of the earth’s animals call the forest home. So go out and plant a tree, and consider supporting organizations that back forest-friendly legislation.


Did you know that Bees are responsible for pollinating 73 different crops or one-third of our food supply? That includes avocados, almonds, blueberries, cherries, and more. It’s estimated that over 25% of managed honey bee populations have died since 1990 due to Colony Collapse Disorder. There are a few arguments about what causes the CCD, but it’s thought that chemicals, increased cell phone tower radiation, and temperature fluctuations from climate change could be the cause. Ready to Save the Bees? Plant bee-friendly plants in your yard and visit the World Wildlife Fund and NRDC to see how you can support bee-friendly legislation!